Educating for the Future

2 months ago

One of the best ways of maintaining attendance is ensuring that students have a safe, clean, and comfortable learning environment, particularly during the early stages of their developmental years.

Sơn Tân kindergarten, along with its auxiliary Ta Do school, was built with this in mind and serves 212 students in total, from 2 to 6 years old. The facilities include 13 rooms, including a medical room, physical education room, music room, clerical office, principal’s office, two vice principals’ offices, a kitchen, and five classrooms.

Playtime at Sơn Tân kindergarten is centered around stimulating, educational games and activities, which foster social skills and learning among the young children.

Of the five classrooms, two were built by COV in 2019, increasing the school’s capacity by 55 children —ensuring that even more students can attend. Two of the classrooms that COV built to support education for 4 to 5-year-olds, a critical window of development. 

“Our classroom’s transformation into a well-equipped learning environment is a stroke of luck, providing our students with an opportunity to thrive in a nurturing space,”

said Nguyen Thi Hoa, Sơn Tân Kindergarten Teacher.

Chris Brinlee, Jr.