Andrew Lysaught

Andrew’s first encounter with Children of Vietnam was on his college campus 11 years ago. At the time, he had recently come back from a two-week class trip to Vietnam. It started in Hanoi, then to Hue, Da Nang and ended in Saigon. That trip changed his perspective on life, which is why when he approached Children of Vietnam, he knew he wanted to be a part of it. He stayed connected through the years by donating and following the organization’s activities. Three years ago, he joined the Marketing Committee. Andrew’s professional experience includes delivering data-driven insights for Nike, Disney, and Adidas relative to their performance marketing efforts, digital communications, and site behavior. Being interested in the interplay of marketing, behavioral science, and interactive technology, he loves knowing why people do what they do. Andrew received a Masters in Behavioral Economics at Cornell University, and a BA in Cold War History and Economics at Indiana University.

Meet The Team

United States Team

Vietnam Team

Board of Directors