Over a decade has passed since the untimely passing of Huynh Thi Thuy Anh’s husband, leaving her to shoulder the responsibilities of raising their three young children alone. With a 5-year-old son, a 17-month-old toddler, and a 5-month-old baby, Thuy Anh found herself thrust into the demanding roles of both mother and father at a tender age. Recalling those challenging times, she confides: “Sometimes, I thought I couldn’t make it.”
In 2013, Thuy Anh’s life took a positive turn when she became a beneficiary of the Empowering Foundations for Women and their Children (EFWC). This invaluable program offered her family a comprehensive range of support services. From loans to purchase piglets and assistance with health checks, house repairs, and furniture, to covering tuition fees, the EFWC program provided a lifeline for Thuy Anh and her children. Moreover, EFWC went a step further by offering skill training classes, equipping single mothers like Thuy Anh with the knowledge and the necessary skills to utilize loans effectively.
Thuy Anh attributes much of her success in overcoming adversity and lifting her family out of poverty to the unwavering support she received from COV. Determined to improve her family’s circumstances, she embarked on various endeavors, including pig and poultry raising, fruit selling, and cooking. Gradually, her family’s conditions began to improve. Today, her eldest son is pursuing a college education, while her middle daughter and youngest son are diligent high school students, striving to build a brighter future.
For Thuy Anh, the ultimate joy lies in providing her children with the best possible education, laying the foundation for their future success. She yearns for her children to have the freedom to pursue their passions and dreams. Expressing her heartfelt desires, she shares, “I only wish my children could do what they want.”
Thuy Anh’s story exemplifies the transformative impact of COV’s programs like EFWC on the lives of vulnerable individuals and families. Through comprehensive support, these initiatives empower women, like Thuy Anh, to overcome the daunting challenges they face as single mothers, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future for their children. Thuy Anh’s unwavering determination and the support she received serve as a powerful testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit. Her journey reminds us that, with compassion, guidance, and opportunities, individuals can rise above the most trying circumstances, fostering hope, and creating a ripple effect of positive change within their communities.