Benjamin C. Wilson Jr

Benjamin Wilson Jr. is one of (Founder) Ben Wilson’s sons and has supported and admired Children of Vietnam’s work for over 25 years.  Benjamin Jr. volunteers with several nonprofits and roles and events with the WSFC public school system. Benjamin Jr. is honored to begin serving on the Children of Vietnam Board and looking forward to the opportunities to work with this passionate and dedicated team. He has twice enjoyed unforgettable experiences by traveling to Vietnam for Cycling Out Poverty events.  The dedication and passion exhibited by Board members and so many allied supporters is inspiring to Benjamin Jr. and he is looking forward to COV’s future and being a vital member of this amazing Board.

Benjamin Jr. is a graduate of N.C.State University.  In 2017, he completed a long career in Engineering and Project Management with HanesBrands Inc.  He now leads a Consumer Product Development startup (Back of Our Napkin LLC) and is a licensed building contractor. Benjamin Jr. is married to Michelle and they have 3 amazing daughters. In his spare time, he enjoys working on his 98-year-old home, traveling, cycling, music, keeping honeybees, and raising Christmas trees.

Meet The Team

United States Team

Vietnam Team

Board of Directors